Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Yay, I'm back!

I really haven't posted in a while, but I haven't done a huge amount of knitting lately. :)
As for the lovely lace scarf, I re-wound the yarn and put it away for now. I really am going to start working on it, but just have not motivated myself yet to re-cast on. So short of casting on and knitting like mad 24/7, I won't be wearing a lovely lace scarf on Easter. I'm guessing that the 24/7 knitting isn't going to happen, so c'est la vie. :)
As for my crochet project, it is coming along slowly but surely. The hook really is hard to get used to. But like I said, I have quite a while to work on this, so I'm just doing a little bit at a time.
In the meantime, I keep pretending that I am organizing my craft room. By organizing, I mean I've put a couple of my COTW patterns into plastic sleeves and then into my binder. Aside from that, I might have moved a few skeins of yarn into various boxes, but the room still looks kind of disastrous (yarn everywhere!). I guess I can give myself a pat on the back though, the closet is still organized (all of the yarn in the closet is in a bin or box).
However, while I was "organizing" my craft room and adding patterns to binders, I found a bunch of dishcloth patterns that I printed out over the last few years, but didn't print out a copy with a picture. I looked at those as a "mystery" knit and I looked at the skeins and skeins and cones and cones of cotton yarn I have and figured that the "mystery" knits would be fun.
The first "mystery knit" I picked out was the Lilacs on the Veranda cloth. Since it's a lace pattern, I decided to pick out a solid color, so I used up about half a skein of Peaches & Creme in Tea Rose.
Lilacs on the Veranda in P&C Tea Rose
The pattern is not difficult at all, especially now that I've mastered the ssk. :) I think this pattern would work well in a variegated or ombre yarn, but I wanted to see how it looked in a solid. I may do this one in an ombre should I ever want to give this as a gift set or anything.
Lilacs on the Veranda in P&C Tea Rose closeup
The next "mystery" knit I picked out was the Waterfall Bubbles. For this one I picked out a variegated that has been sitting in my stash for a while, the Peaches & Creme Newport color scheme. This is a really pretty ombre of burgundy, navy blue and tan.
Waterfall Bubbles in P&C Newport beautiful of a color scheme as this is, I really should have picked a solid to show off the lace pattern. I am giving serious consideration to using this pattern for a lace scarf with real lace yarn sometime (okay okay okay, after the AlpacaSilk Fern Scarf is done!). I did like the cool pooling that happened though.
Waterfall Bubbles in P&C Newport closeup
So that's what I've done in the past week or so.
After I finish this post, I am going to start working on the Vandyke Lace Panel cloth, but adjust it to be hand-towel sized as a gift for a friend's parents. I am also going to knit up a cloth and do an accompanying Jonathan Livingston Seagull cloth too. Since this is going to be a gift, I am using Peaches & Creme Ecru, a nice neutral shade. One I have finished the Vandyke Lace Panel towel, I will post my modifications to make this "towel sized."
Maybe after this is done, I will get around to starting up my AlpacaSilk Fern Scarf.....

1 comment:

midwesterndesigns said...

Thanks for including the link for Wal-Mart feedback. I noticed yesterday that Peaches & Cream had been replaced and was seething. I actually went to their retail store in Old Fort, NC just a few weeks ago. I hope Wal-Mart reconsiders their change.