Thursday, February 18, 2010

Lace Attempt #2 - Fail...ish

Well, the bad news is that I already had to frog my pretty lace scarf. But it really was more or less my own fault for just being careless and not paying attention to the stitches on my needles. And it was only into the very beginning of the 3rd repeat. I spent about 35+ minutes trying to figure out where the dropped stitch was and how the hell I dropped it, before I just gave up, and frogged it. I figure I didn't really lose a whole lot of work in the grand scheme of things. So yes, I'm sad, but I saw a few lace projects on Ravelry where the knitter noted that they made so many mistakes, they just frogged the WHOLE THING. I'd rather frog not quite 3 pattern repeats, learn where I made my mistakes, and re-cast on later. Whew. So that is what I will do....sometime this week.
After that lace yarn fiasco, I didn't want to cast on right away again, I figured I needed something to do that was an instant gratification type project so that I didn't decide that I was a total failure as a knitter. :) So I pulled out my trusty size 6 needles and a cone of Peaches & Creme cotton and knitted a Garter Dishcloth with Pointy Corners (ravelry link) which is basically your standard Grandmother's Favorite dishcloth. I like this pattern better than the regular because of the short-rows that allow for a pointier corner. Call me a perfectionist who likes my dishcloths to have all four corners pointy. Which is odd, given that I got a D in high school geometry.... Anyway. Quick, useful, and instantly gratifying. I actually use these as facecloths in the shower. More exfoliating than a regular washcloth, in my opinion, and I can make them out of fun colors. This one wasn't so much a "fun colors" as it was "oh hey, I've got this 787-yard cone of Aqua Mist because I just frogged another project so I could get my needle cord back...let's use some up!" I do like the Aqua Mist though. Next time I think I'd go for a more fun set of colors, but right now I wasn't about to be picky. Or use Teal Ombre since it too closely resembles that lace yarn....
Grandmother's Favorite Vertical
Last but not least, I found a fun "counter" to add to my blog: The KnitMeter! Can be normally found on the right hand side of the blog, but for your enjoyment, I am adding it to this post. Ta-da!
I'm going to try and knit 1500-2000 meters this year. So far, almost 400 meters in almost 2 months. That puts me on track to knit...let's see...200 meters a month, 12 months a year....2400 meters (there's that pesky math again!). Not bad...not bad. :)
And I lied when I said last but not least before, but oh well. If you have a fiber related blog that you'd like me to link to, I'm trying to compile a list of knitting/crocheting blogs that I follow and would like to start a "Fiber Blogs I Read" sidebar. Just let me know! :)

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