Monday, August 18, 2008

Brief Hiatus...

Not from knitting silly! But from knitting-related content.
I will hardly ever mix politics and knitting on this blog, but today, I must explain to you why I am knitting charity items like mad.

This Diary Should Never Be Written from DailyKos (an admittedly very left-leaning blog).
The thing is though, that this shouldn't even be an issue. No matter what side of the fence you're on- conservative or liberal, Republican or Democrat. We got into this war, and our soldiers are fighting it honorably. It's their job. They are putting their lives on the line in service to our country.No matter what your position on the war is, please do not take it out on the soldiers. For them to come home and be poor and homeless, it's a downright embarrassment to our country.
And THAT is why I have gotten so involved in knitting charity items for the homeless veterans.
In fact, I even took on the 25-item challenge. Sadly, it is not going so well....
4 are done!
3 are on the needles!
21 finished items to go (but 3 will be done soon!).

/end political soapbox rant, return to knitting next time!

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